Saturday, July 10, 2010

Blog #149: One Poke Over the Line

Jadyn Olivia Gonce, 4, and other children play in a sprinkler in a playground in New York City. Photo: Tina Fineberg-AP §

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Well Wimbledon tennis has come and gone, and Rafael Nadal is the champion once again, after sitting out last year’s match recovering from injuries. This year’s finals must have taken a great deal out of Nadal, though, for after the match he managed to find the time to take a quick snooze. §

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Bone Marrow biopsy delayed. absessed tooth guilty

Well, July 2nd has come and gone, and I don’t know a bit more about the state of my health, i.e. my cml than I did July 1. It seems that all last week I had a tooth that was killing me, and so as July 2nd crept upon me, I checked with son Joel about whether I should go on as scheduled for a trip to have my bone marrow scanned, or instead schedule a trip to the dentists. Joel agreed with me that an infected tooth would likely throw Dr. Rakkhit’s readings off, and so I elected cancel the bone marrow, instead going to a long delayed trip to the dentists.

And so I did, and it turned out to be the right choice after all. The dentist’s fee was $15, and the cost of the two drugs, both the pain killer and the antibiotic together totaled $1.64. And so the total costs for curing my condition was well under eighteen dollars.

Unbelievable, I know, but this dentists office is priced for families, and consequently an individual visit was cheap. And since I did not particularly want a tooth pulled, I wanted primarily the pills, I got what I wanted. For neither the dentist nor his assistant could tell which tooth was causing me the problem, and for that matter neither could I. So he wrote out my prescriptions in his own illegible manner, and within forty five minutes I was out of there.

Strange drugs, those two. The antibiotic called for 8 hour intervals, 3 times a day, for 7 days. On the other hand the pain killer wanted to be chased every four hours, day and night, until it ran out. And so my lost weekend was complete, but by Sunday night I had no pain killers left, though I had four to five days of antibiotics ahead of me. Final note, I finished the aitibiotic Friday morning at 8 a.m. §

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Plane flies 23 hours on solar charge

In what hopes to portend to the future, an airplane flew for over 24 hours on one charge of solar power. In addition to setting a new record in length of flight, the aircraft also set new parameters in altitude.

Andrew Borschberg, chief executive of Solar Impulse, takes off in the solar-powered HB-SIA prototype airplane for its first night flight at Payerne airport, Switzerland. A Swiss team planning to eventually circle the globe in a solar-powered plane has started a 24-hour test flight that aims to keep the aircraft operating through the night on stored energy collected from the sun. Photo: Denis Balibouse-AP §

LeBron Goes to: Who Cares?

NBA Basketball super star LeBron James took the easy way out in announcing his new team Thursday night. On what turned out to be a one hour infomercial on ESPN2, Mr. James announced that he was joining Pat Riley, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh down in Miami.

When the Cavs owner complained that James never called him to tell him of the deal before deciding on his new team, NBA sources quickly came to James’ aid, giving figures on the amount of money James had pumped into Ohio’s economy during his 7 year stint there.

Meantime, ESPN2 reminded us, as if we didn’t already know it, that air time is for sale on the #2 sports channel. Some of us think LeBron’s destination was not worthy of an hour of air time, 3 minutes would have been more than enough. Meantime, Miami basketball fans are probably close to hysterical, while the rest of the nation’s fans could care less. Chris Bosh was the free agent prize the Houston Rockets were coming on to, now it’s back to the drawing board, and hoping you can get by with what you’ve got, plus whatever is left that you can lay your grubby hands on.

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I had my bonemarrow biopsy today

This week's title, One Poke Over the Line, refers to the bone marrow biopsy which got postponed for a week because of my errant tooth, but which happened yesterday, July 7.

I am such a twit, and a baby. My right foot ailed me as I lay there for 20-30 minutes, my rear end getting aired out, before the grand poke began. I am such a baby, I'm sure I behaved as badly as any patient Dr. Rakkhit has had, yet I got through it, and on July 23 I will get the word on my fate. Stay tuned.

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And so we sign off on yet another Little Eddy Blog. It was short and not very sweet, plus not very inventive, and we apologize for that, but it's very hard to be inventive, and funny, or even honest when you are in pain. We'll see if July 23 brings any relief. Preferably one of those miracle cures. Yeah, right?

Meantime, join us again each Saturday morning, or any time during the coming week, for the latest installment of this soap opera which has become my life. Meantime, son Joel is here (in Galveston actually) to make a video including our famous Gulf Oil spill. BP, would you like to make another gigantic mess, this time off of Alaska. And what's with these federal judges refusing to grant the administration a moratorium on new, deepwater drilling? At least until the powers that be discover why this current disaster happened, and takes steps towards seeing to it that it does not happen again? Oh well, its none of our business anyway, is it? Hang in there, see you next time.

The Real Little Eddy §

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